Shunya Nostalgia

Impart life into still images & relive memories of the past through the
magic of AI

Shunya Nostalgia

Impart life into still images & relive memories of the past through the
magic of AI

Choose the emotion


Mail your picture and system will process and auto reply

(Read FAQs below to get the best quality video)


Mail your picture and system will process and auto reply

(Read FAQs below to get the best quality video)

A dose of nostalgia will reach you within few mins......

(Due to high amount of requests on server, in some cases it may take upto 30 mins to get a response)

To get best Results...



To get best Results...




The animation will be delivered to your mail box within a couple of minutes. In some cases, it may take upto 30mins to get a response due to high amount of requests on the server. Once complete you can enjoy the video, save it video and share it. 

Yes you are free to share the animation on social media with your friends and family. 

You can animate unlimited pictures without having to worry about the cost. There is no cost involved at any point. 

No, your privacy is protected. The animation or your pictures are all protected.

One picture per email. Though you can email multiple times.

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