Office Hours

Prepare yourself for Professional work

Office Hours

Prepare yourself for Professional work environment

Office Hours - Learn by Doing

A series of innovative workshops designed to give you
hands on professional office experience in 72 hours.

Design innovation to give the experience of professional work through a series of structured, hands-on, practical workshops

Offered in 3 Variants

Pre Office

Exposure to Industry Environment (Processes + Tools)

Mindset training : Work ethics, delivery with ownership mindset(individual and teams).

Hands-on modern DevOps tools, Coding Standards, Project Management Concepts.

Developer Experience

Building AI & IoT Projects in an Industry Environment

On Job training on a skill ( AI / IoT).

Deploy a real world product and gain holistic developer experience.

Core Developer Experience

Solve deep tech challenges in AI & IoT Industry Projects

Experience work in an RnD / deep tech development.

Gain depth needed for
core engineering jobs or MS.

Organise these events in your College

Nominate a club lead / Nominate yourself (if club lead)

supported by

Tech support by Shunya Labs (ShunyaOS)

supported by

Tech support by Shunya Labs (ShunyaOS)

©[2018]  Office hours is a program designed by Shunya IoT AI Research Pvt ltd to support IoTIoT’s mission statement

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